Thornbridge brew some amazing beers, their bottled Jaipur [baron rating 5/5] and Kipling [baron rating 4/5] have already been 'baron rated' and received high scores - they are both excellent beers.
These new ones have the new label design and really look great, espicially as they are 7.7% ales in 500ml bottles, no messing around in little 275ml or 330ml this time! :)
- Thornbridge Saint Petersburg
7.7% Saint Petersburg is a fabulous warming, full bodied stout with subtle peat smokiness and chocolate malt flavours.
- Thornbridge Halcyon (Green Hopped IPA 2009 Harvest)
7.7% The plump resinous hop cones had intense aromas of orange peel, pine sap and a hint of smokiness turning this "green hopped" Halcyon into something truly special.
Both of these bottles are new from Thornbridge and both can be bought from myBrewerytap either as whole cases of St Petersburg or Halcyon (2009) or as a mixed case. A big thank you to Richard from myBrewerytap for sending these through to me!
Buy Thornbridge ales here